Pre-Submission Consultation May 2018
This section  outlines the approach taken by the Neighbourhood Plan Group to consult on the Pre-Submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan. Several methods were adopted to ensure that all relevant bodies, stakeholders and local residents were informed of the consultation and given opportunities to provide their views and comments.
During the consultation period the Pre-Submission Barrowden and Wakerley Neighbourhood Plan was advertised and available for download with all the supporting documents from the website. The link to the Pre-Submission Plan is shown below.
Various methods on how to comment on the Draft Plan were also made available to encourage as many responses as possible, including email, letter or by completing a pre-formatted form
Hard copies of the Pre-submission Plan containing an informative letter and pre-formatted comment reply form were hand delivered to every household in Barrowden & Wakerley on April 14th. Boxes to receive replies were placed in the Surgery and The Shop in Barrowden.
Local Authorities, Neighbouring Parish Councils and Stakeholders
Hard copies of the Pre-submission Plan including an informative letter were also posted to the above parties so that they would arrive no later than April 16th.
Contacting Interested Bodies and Individuals
An email was sent to all statutory bodies from a list as supplied by Rutland County Council and East Northamptonshire Council. The email informed the statutory bodies and business owners of the commencement of the consultation period.
It also notified recipients of the Neighbourhood Plan’s availability on the Barrowden Parish Council’s Website and the methods available of how to submit comments.
Consultation Event
As part of the Regulation 14 Pre-Submission consultation, an event was held at Barrowden Village Hall on April 28th 10am – 1pm. As mentioned above the event was preceded with each household receiving a copy of the Draft Plan and a letter promoting the event, which was also advertised in the Village Email and the Parish Magazine.
Display boards and additional copies of the Plan were available together with post it notes for attendees to make comments. Pre-formatted comment reply forms were also made available.
The responses and comments received on the Barrowden and Wakerley Neighbourhood Plan during the Consultation were collated and placed into a spreadsheet matched against the relevant page on the Pre-Submission Plan.
All of the written responses either by letter or email have been placed on the website at
The Neighbourhood Plan Group reviewed each comment individually and decided whether they were material considerations, i.e. correcting a factual error in the Plan or whether the Policy should be amended based on the comment. Those in green in the final column on the spreadsheet led to amendments in the Plan.
None of the amendments included in the final version of the Plan from the comments made during the Pre-Submission consultation were significant such that it would require a further round of consultation.