PSP Responses
All of the written responses either by letter or email have been placed on the website.
In addition a spreadsheet was supplied by East Northants District Council which can be downloaded from here East Northants NP Detailed Responses B&W
Copies of the written responses are shown below
The responses and comments received on the Barrowden and Wakerley Neighbourhood Plan during the Consultation were collated and placed into a spreadsheet matched against the relevant page on the Pre-Submission Plan NPG Master Response Combined Comments 20 08 2018 Re Dacted.
The Neighbourhood Plan Group reviewed each comment individually and decided whether they were material considerations, i.e. correcting a factual error in the Plan or whether the Policy should be amended based on the comment. Those in green in the final column on the spreadsheet led to amendments in the Plan.
None of the amendments included in the final version of the Plan from the comments made during the Pre-Submission consultation were significant such that it would require a further round of consultation.